UPDATE: COVID Vaccine Resource and Timeline in Oregon
Thank you for your patience during this COVID vaccine rollout in Oregon. We understand the difficulty in finding accurate and detailed information on the eligibility and distribution of the vaccines for the Portland metro area. Because supplies are limited, COVID vaccines are being distributed in phases. We discussed these phases in past blog posts.
For checking your availability and understanding when you can get vaccinated, the Oregon Health Authority provided this excellent link (https://www.getvaccinated.oregon.gov/#/).
When are You Eligible?
Here is an estimated timeline put forth by the Oregon Health Authority for when COVID vaccines are to be distributed by age-group in Oregon over the next few weeks.
Until you can get your vaccine, we appreciate your efforts to continue to wear a mask, practice social distancing, and wash your hands frequently. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions and thank you for trusting us with your care.