Nov 1, 2019 | Health News, Weight Loss
The holidays can be one of the best times of the year. The family, the friends, the memories, and the food can all make this time of year special. Often, we jump from party to party and our days revolve around rich and indulgent foods. It can be hard to resist food...
Sep 7, 2019 | Health News
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women with one in eight women diagnosed during their lifetime. Many cancers, including breast cancer, are caused by lifestyle factors, not necessarily genetics. Although...
Jul 1, 2019 | Health News, News, Weight Loss
Several studies are finding a link between weight gain and an increased risk of developing cancer. Organizations, such as the World Cancer Research Fund, estimate that around “20% of all cancers diagnosed in the US are related to body fatness, physical inactivity,...
Feb 9, 2019 | Health News
In additional to the health screenings listed here for women ages 40 – 49, the following is also recommended for women ages 50 – 65+: Colon Cancer According to the American Cancer Society, living a healthy lifestyle and getting regular screenings are your best defense...
Jan 7, 2019 | Weight Loss
We almost all want to lose weight and be healthy but sometimes it’s hard to stay motivated and stick to a plan. While we begin our journey full of hope and self discipline, that can quickly fade away as time goes on. Here are five easy strategies to help you stick...