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COVID Vaccine Update: Vaccine Locations

Mar 22, 2021

UPDATE: COVID Vaccine Locations in Oregon

It is becoming incrementally easier to schedule a COVID vaccine and find a COVID vaccine location in Oregon. There are multiple websites now available to register and find an appointment. We have compiled all of the different websites and pharmacies for you and listed them below. Also, here are the newest guidelines from the state of Oregon so you can see when you are eligible.

Vaccination Appointment Websites

In Multnomah, Washington, and Clackamas Counties you are able to obtain the vaccine through the Oregon Health Authority (OHA).

To register for vaccines, go to https://getvaccinated.oregon.gov/Vaccines are given at the Oregon Convention Center.

If appointments are not available, registrants will receive a text and then a subsequent phone call to schedule an appointment at the Oregon Convention Center. It may take a few weeks before you are contacted.

There is a second location open for the mobility impaired at The Portland Airport. To register for vaccines at The Portland Airport site for the mobility impaired, go to https://covidvaccine.oregon.gov/You must answer “yes” to the “Do you have a mobility-related disability?” question.

There is also a federal government search tool you can use to find a vaccine location. It is listed here:



Pharmacies Providing Vaccines

Several local pharmacies are also giving out the vaccines. You must register with the pharmacies directly. Click on the pharmacy below and it will take you to the registration page to register.





We’re Here For You

We appreciate your patience during this trying time and acknowledge the effort it has taken many of you to obtain your vaccinations. We are standing ready to administer vaccines as soon as we receive a supply, but in the meantime, if you have an opportunity to get your vaccine through one of the above methods, we encourage you to do so.

Please contact us with any questions, we are here to help.

Dr. Gillcrist and the AIM Health Team

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